No Homework Policy
“Homework should never replace a teaching opportunity in the classroom”
The curriculum is made interesting by teachers. Children are not burdened with heavy school bags and a lot of homework. At the primary school level the emphasis of …….. School is on learning right values and acquiring numerical and language skills. ‘Circle Time’ sessions provide children opportunities to understand the importance of values and of making the right choices. They learn to communicate with others and develop self-confidence.
In the initial stages, focus is on oral language development. Gradually other skills are integrated into the curriculum. Activity based teaching makes learning enjoyable. Children are taught drawing and craft that sharpen motor skills.
Students will still have their daily folder with suggestions/resources on concepts they can practice on throughout the school year, but will not be turning in any homework to their teachers. We encourage our students to read books, study spellings and words, and to enjoy quality time with their families